
公司配备:全自动酶解罐(全自动酶解罐具有温度自动控制、搅拌自动控制、温度曲线记录,PH检测、自动清洗、计量添加等功能,酶解罐产品采用PLC触摸屏进行现场控制或远程微电脑控制,实现全自动控制方式)、喷雾干燥设备(喷雾干燥塔干燥速度快,干燥的产品具有良好的均匀度、流动性和溶解性,产品纯度高,质量好。生产过程简化,操作控制方便)、陶瓷膜过滤设备(相比于传统过滤设备,采用陶瓷膜过滤分离技术具有过滤速度快、澄清度高、收率高、除菌等优点)、纳滤膜浓缩设备(与传统离心分离、真空浓缩、多效薄膜蒸发、冷冻浓缩等工艺相比,纳滤浓缩的环境温和,降低了美拉德反应,还兼具有脱无机盐和氨基酸的作用,提高原料肽品质)、卧螺离心机(该机能在全速运转下,连续进料、分离和卸料。具有结构紧凑、连续操作、运转平稳、适应性强、生产能力大、维修方便且能耗低等特点。适合分离含固物粒度大于0.005-10mm,浓度范围为2-40%,温度≤100℃的悬浮液)、全自动灭酶机(本设备采用多组列管式结构,自动物料回流设计。自动控制温度,出口物料温度可调节,能够快速灭酶活酶解过程中添加的酶,防止最终产品因酶作用产生的沉淀,减少美拉德反应);还掌握生物酶解的核心技术,辅助蛋白酶解技术 (通过微波、高压、超声波等辅助技术,来提高蛋白酶酶解活力,从而显著提高了原料肽收率,降低生产成本)复合酶梯度定向酶切技术(利用不同酶酶切位点不同,筛选多种特异性蛋白酶,进行梯度定向酶解,酶切出有功能活性的肽段,实现目标肽靶向释放的高效制备技术)定向分离技术(以具有功能活性的肽段为目标肽,采用多种先进的分离技术进行定向分离,从而实现了目标肽的富集,提高了原料肽的功效性)多肽风味改良技术(利用吸附、萃取、色谱分离等技术分离苦味肽和腥臭味,通过味道掩盖技术、美拉德反应技术来改善不良气味和口感)。同时,公司拥有国内一流的标准化化验室,对每批产品建立了质量追溯体系,用顶尖的实验器材和专业检验方式,确保产品质量,勠力同心的践行着“ 为国人做好肽 让人民更健康”的企业发展目标。


The company has a professional oligopeptide production line, and has established marine organisms, plant pretreatment system, biological reaction system, fat separation system, protein and peptide classification system, 100000 air purification workshop and granulation and drying system. The newly introduced GMP workshop can produce and build a number of automatic high-tech production lines. The molecular weight of exclusive biopeptide series products is less than 1000 daltons, among which donkey hide gelatin oligopeptides with molecular weight of 100-3000 daltons are most suitable for human absorption, effectively retain the biological activity of raw materials and ensure that raw materials can be fully utilized. The quality of all raw materials is optimized, and the quality qualification rate of products is 100%.

The company is equipped with automatic enzymatic hydrolysis tank (automatic enzyme hydrolysis tank) with automatic temperature control, automatic mixing control, temperature curve recording, PH detection, automatic cleaning, metering and adding functions. The enzyme can product is controlled by PLC touch screen or remote computer control, and the automatic control mode is realized. Spray drying equipment is used. The spray drying tower is fast drying, and the drying product has good uniformity, fluidity and solubility, high purity, good quality, simple production process and convenient operation control. Ceramic membrane filtration equipment (compared with traditional filtration equipment, ceramic membrane filtration separation technology has the advantages of fast filtration, high clarity, high yield, and sterilization). Nanofiltration membrane concentration equipment (compared with traditional centrifugation, vacuum concentration, multi effect film evaporation, freeze concentration and other processes, nanofiltration concentration has a mild environment, reduces Maillard reaction, and also has the function of removing inorganic salts and amino acids to improve the quality of raw peptide), horizontal screw centrifuge (this machine can continuously feed, separate and discharge materials at full speed. It has the characteristics of compact structure, continuous operation, stable operation, strong adaptability, large production capacity, convenient maintenance and low energy consumption. It is suitable for separating suspensions with solid particle size greater than 0.005-10mm, concentration range of 2-40% and temperature ≤ 100 ℃), full-automatic enzyme killing machine (the equipment adopts multi group tubular structure and automatic material reflux design. The temperature is automatically controlled and the outlet material temperature is adjustable, which can quickly inactivate the enzyme added in the enzymatic hydrolysis process, prevent the precipitation of the final product due to the enzyme action and reduce the Maillard reaction); it also master the core technology of biological enzymatic hydrolysis and auxiliary protease hydrolysis technology(microwave, high pressure, ultrasonic and other auxiliary technologies are used to improve the enzymatic hydrolysis activity of protease, so as to significantly improve the yield of raw peptide and reduce the production cost) (using different enzyme digestion sites, screening a variety of specific proteases, gradient directional enzymatic hydrolysis, enzymatic digestion of functional peptides, and efficient preparation technology for targeted release of target peptides) directional separation technology (take the functional active peptide as the target peptide, and adopt a variety of advanced separation technologies for directional separation, so as to realize the enrichment of the target peptide and improve the efficacy of the raw peptide) peptide flavor improvement technology (use adsorption, extraction, chromatographic separation and other technologies to separate bitter peptides and fishy smell, and improve bad smell and taste through taste masking technology and Maillard reaction technology). At the same time, the company has a domestic first-class standardized laboratory, has established a quality traceability system for each batch of products, and uses top experimental equipment and professional inspection methods to ensure product quality and practice with one heart With the enterprise development goal of "doing a good job for the Chinese people and making the people healthier".

